Caramel Cloud
The cake as soft as a cloud is made easily and quickly. It takes short time and only two ingredients; sugar and egg whites. Preparing time is 5 minutes, baking a half an hour and eating few seconds.
- Put sugar and water in saucepan and let the sugar caramelize until it gets the colour of dark amber
- Pour the caramel into a 1L mold (20cm in diameter; height 4cm) and coat the whole mold with caramel
- Whisk the egg whites to the stiff peak, gradually adding sugar
- Distribute the whipped egg whites evenly over the mold
- Place mold in the pan, and pour the hot water up to the 2/3 of the mold. Cook it in a preheated oven for 15 minutes; electric oven 180 °C or 350 °F or gas mark 4. After 15 minutes, turn the oven OFF and keep it in for another 15 minutes
- Take the mold out of water, separate meringue from the edges and put a plate on top and turn it over