Ritual Bread (vegan) No.2
While making this RITUAL BREAD, the basic techniques of dividing and shaping the dough are demonstrated. Try it and if you are not satisfied with the look you will certainly get delicious bread and you will gain experience and be more skilled in working with the dough.
- Flour (All-purpose) - 500g
- Water - 280g
- Fresh Yeast or Dry Yeast - 20g or 10g
- Salt - 10g (2 tsp)
- Sugar - 15g (1 tbsp)
- Oil - 20g (2 tbsp)
- For Spreading:
- Margarine Spread - 20g
- Oil - 10g
- Dissolve Yeast in a few spoonfuls of water.
- Sift the Flour and set aside 4 tablespoons. Add Sugar, Salt, Water, Oil and finally the dissolved Yeast. Mix well by hand, wooden spoon or mixer with spiral attachment without adding Flour.
- Once the dough has been formed, gradually add Flour spoon by spoon until the last one. Add Butter, add the remaining Flour and finish kneading. Form the dough into a ball.
- Cover the dough and leave it rise for 45 minutes.
- Divide the dough into four pieces: one of 400g, two of 170g and one od 100g and make four balls and leave them covered for 5 min to relax.
- Grease a spring-form pan (24 cm).
- From both balls of 170g, make a roll of two-hand width, cover the dough, again, and leave it rest at room temperature.
- On a slightly oiled surface, roll out the dough by pressing evenly from the center to the ends to obtain a roller of even thickness. When the dough ceases to be stretched, leave it to rest and work with other roller. Alternately rest and stretch the dough until the rolls reach a length of 90 cm.
Weave a double braid and place it along the edges of the pan. - Shape a portion of 400g into a ball and place in the center of the mold, cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise for 35 minutes to decorate.
- Part of 100g, roll into two rollers with a width of two hands and allow to rest for 25 minutes. When the dough is rested, divide it into six equal parts and roll them until they reach a length of 40cm.
Weave two triple braids of about 24cm and place crosswise over the cake. - From the leftover dough, make ornaments and decorate as desired.
- Allow the cake to rise for another 10 minutes after decorating.
- Before baking, brush bread with a mixture of Oil and Margarine.
- Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes; Electric oven at 200 ° C or 400 ° F and gas oven mark 6. After 20 minutes rotate the bread and bake for another 12-15 minutes at 180 ° C or 350 ° F and gas oven mark 4.
If the bread early darkened, cover with aluminum foil or parchment paper to avoid burning. Bread of this shape and weight must be baked for at least 32 minutes regardless of the color of the crust. - Remove the baked bread immediately from the pan, place on a griddle to cool and brush with a mixture of Oil and Margarine while still hot.
- Bread can be placed in a bag after four hours when completely cool.