Pizza Capricciosa
It's not easy to bake pizza at home. The minimum temperature required for baking pizza is 350ᵒC or 662ᵒF, which is a major problem because the home oven does not reach high enough temperature to bake good pizza. This video shows that you can still make a perfect pizza at home with double-baking metod.
- Dough for three pizzas:
- Flour (All-purpose) - 500g
- Water - 260g
- Fresh Yeast or Dry Yeast - 5g or 2-3g (1 tsp)
- Oil - 20g (2 tbsp)
- Salt - 10g (2 tsp)
- Sugar - 15g (1 tbsp)
- Tomato sauce for three pizzas:
- Peeled Tomato - 400g
- Basil - 1 tsp
- Oregano (dry) - 1 tsp
- Garlic - 5g (2 cloves)
- Oil - 10g (1 tbsp)
- Salt - 5g (1 tsp)
- Toppings for one pizza:
- Tomato sauce - 80g (4 tbsp)
- Ham - 100g
- Mushrooms - 50g
- Mozzarela - 100g
- Parmesan cheese - 10g
- Olives - 5-6 pcs
- Dissolve Yeast in a few spoonfuls of water.
- Sift the Flour and set aside three tablespoon. Add Sugar, Salt, Water, Oil and finally the dissolved Yeast. Mix well by hand, wooden spoon or mixer with spiral attachment without adding Flour.
- Once the dough has been formed, start adding remaining Flour spoon by spoon. Once you have used all the Flour, make the dough in a ball.
- Cover the dough and leave it rest at room temperature for 20 min.
- Divide the dough into three equal pieces 270g each and make three balls
- Leave the dough for 24 hours in the refrigerator
- When using the dough, leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes.
- Meantime make the tomato sauce and prepare the toppings for the pizza. For the tomato sauce, , in a hand blender jar, put Peled Tomato, Basil, Oregano, Garlic, Oil and Salt. Combine the ingredients with a hand blender. and mix them well.
For toppings, slice mushrooms into thin leafs and cut mozzarella into strips - Dust the dough with flour; squeeze the air out of dough by starting from the middle towards the edge forming a rim for the pizza.
When the rim is formed, stretch the dough into a disc of 30 cm in diameter. - Place the dough on a baking tray, spread the Tomato Sauce, put the Mushrooms.
Brush the rim with oil. - Preheated the oven to its maximum temperature and bake for 5 minutes.
- Take the pizza out - put Ham, Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese on top.
- Put it back in - placing it at the bottom of the oven and bake for another 3 minutes.